Dark Elf Name Generator

Easily generate Dark Elf names online and free

How do you come up with a Dark Elf name

Step 1

Select the appropriate options and settings as needed

Step 2

Click on the button to generate a Dark Elf name

Step 3

Copy the result or save it for later use

Why do you may need a Dark Elf name

Once upon a time, elves were not divided into light and dark and were a single people. Elves are the original race. By human standards, the average dark elf is a psychopath, though what does human measure mean to firstborns? But the dark ones are famous for their excellent endurance and high intelligence, and therefore are always able to control themselves. Almost none of the dark ones will stop at cruelty, but many reject dishonor and have a philosophical view of Evil and Good. Most of the dark ones do not like being called evil, believing that such categories are too rude and are suitable only for short-living races who see black and white in everything.

Like other adherents of chaos, the dark elves love to have fun - no wonder they are famous for their grandiose holidays around the world. But where did the dark elves come from? How do they live? Why are they so dark? Dark elves have black skin and pale, usually white hair. They are shorter and slender than humans, rarely reaching more than 5 feet in height. A male drow weighs between 80 and 110 pounds and a female between 95 and 120 pounds. Drow have finely chiseled features, and their toes and toes are long and slender. Usually, this follows from the idea of darkness - it means evil, well, as opposed to light, if the author wants to introduce bad elves into his setting, but does not want to make them out of ordinary ones. Therefore, dark elves are usually portrayed as brutal militarists, well versed in military science and the use of dark magic. In this case, the dark ones almost always wildly enmity with their light relatives, treating them almost worse than other peoples.

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