Hex to Decimal Converter

Easily convert Hex units to Decimal number

The hexadecimal format uses the following characters: 123456789ABCDEF

How to convert hex to decimal

Step 1

Enter or paste your number in hexadecimal format in the first field

Step 2

Click the button to convert the number format to another one

Step 3

Now you can copy or download the resulting number in decimal format

What is Hex and what is Decimal

Number systems are one of the most important foundations of computer science. Almost no school or university skips this topic, but often it is with the translation of the hexadecimal system that many have problems, although this is not such a difficult task, and its translation is practically no different from other number systems. Hexadecimal notation (HEX) is a positional notation based on the integer base 16. As hexadecimal numbers, digits from 0 to 9 and Latin letters from A to F are used. The values of numbers from 0 to 9 are common, as in the decimal system, further, 10 to 16 use the letters AF, i.e. letter F = 16, then 11 = 17, 12 = 18, etc. In order to convert a number from the hexadecimal number system to the decimal number system, it is necessary to write the position of each digit in the number from right to left starting from zero. Each digit position will be a power of 16, since the numeral system is 16-ary. It is necessary to sequentially multiply each number by 16 to the power of the corresponding position of the number and then add it followed by the product of the next number in the power of the corresponding position.

Natural numbers are numbers that are used to calculate something. To write numbers in the familiar decimal system, ten digits are used: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0. These numbers are also called Arabic, although in fact they appeared in India, the merit of the Arabs is that they spread the decimal system throughout the world. People did not always use familiar numbers to write numbers. For example, in ancient Rome, a non-positional number system was used without zero. The name of the number system depends on its base. A base of a number system is the number of digits that are used in a given number system to write numbers. Since the system that we are considering has 10 digits, it has a base of 10, therefore this number system is called decimal. An important concept in the positional approach to representing numbers is the concept of a digit. There are categories of units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Any decimal number can be represented, in the so-called expanded form, when the number is written as the sum of the bit terms, represented as the product of the significant digit of the digit and the number ten to the power of the corresponding digit.

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