Compare Texts

Easily compare two texts online and free

To compare two texts, enter the first and second text in the corresponding fields. After that, click the compare button and you will see statistics and differences at the bottom
Words: 0, Characters: 0
Words: 0, Characters: 0
Levenshtein: -
Common (%)
Difference (%)
Common (symbols)
Difference (symbols)
 Removed    Added
Insert text and click Compare button
Insert text and click Compare button

How to compare two texts

Step 1

Paste or input the first text into the first window

Step 2

Paste or input the second text into the second window

Step 3

Make all the necessary settings and click on the button

Search for matches in the text or what is plagiarism

This site helps you compare two texts and find differences. The site works on the principle of comparing signs. In addition, you can also easily customize the display result depending on your preferences, including changing the comparison color. It often happens that you have two almost identical texts, but you need to know how exactly they differ. Check out the most amazing way to compare two texts and find the differences between them. It is an easy-to-use online tool to compare text or code in the most efficient way. It allows each user to easily compare text online and identify the differences between the two texts. A very simple procedure includes just one step: copy the compared texts into the text fields and click on the Compare button. The two texts will be shown side-by-side on the screen along with the differences highlighted.

The tool helps you find differences in two texts. In the settings, you can choose to show the results by comparison. Differences in the texts are highlighted in colors. Green is an added symbol, red is a deleted one. Comparison of the similarity of the two texts. Online service for comparing two texts by the percentage of similarity in content. Comparison of texts is based on the coincidence of individual words in the texts, excluding stop words, and the permutations of words are ignored. This verification method is the most accurate compared to other methods.

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